Thanksgiving is a perfect opportunity to show our gratitude and appreciation to the amazing Firefighters of Station #29!
Please view the online sign up sheet.
Details for Wednesday, Thanksgiving Day, and Friday
Usually there are between 5–8 firefighters each shift, who eat dinner between 5-6PM.
***All food must be pre-cooked. Do not bring food in containers that need to be picked up later***
You can drop-off your food any time, but call to make sure they are not out on a call. Fire Station: 404-546-4429
Please review the available slots on the sign up sheet and select the items you'd like to sign up to bring.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Susan Kanellos, PHCA VP & Public Safety Liaison
(If you prefer to make a cash donation, please contact me.)
Piedmont Heights Civic Association 1579 Monroe Dr. NE, Ste. F307 Atlanta, GA 30324