Board of Directors & COMMITTEES 

PHCA is a volunteer organization. We rely on the time and talents of our members throughout Piedmont Heights to help us uphold our bylaws and make our neighborhood a wonderful place to live and work!

Let us know how you'd like to help—whether it's on a committee, planning an event, picking up litter throughout the neighborhood, and much more. Below is a description of each committee—and we have a list of specific volunteer needs.

Love Where You Live – Help Make It Better

Please contact the committee chair if you have any questions or are interested in joining a committee. 



Board members must be PHCA Members and, if elected at the Annual Neighborhood Meeting in November, serve a two-year term. We'd love to share more information about what is involved! We need voices to represent the interests and needs of all residents, both PHCA Members and other residents! 

Nominate a neighbor today, and we'll be in touch. There's no pressure to commit—just an opportunity to learn more. 



The PHCA Board of Directors are resident volunteers who have been elected to serve two-year terms by PHCA Members. Thank you to our volunteers!

  • Tim Berube, Ansley Parkside
  • Bill Compton, Rock Springs Rd.
  • Fola Damazio, Monroe Dr.
  • Helen Kacur, Rockridge Place
  • Susan Kanellos, Piedmont Way
  • Stuart Lake, Piedmont Way
  • John Ouderkirk, Monroe Dr.
  • Hanish Patel, Wimbledon Rd.
  • Cole Patton, Monroe Dr.
  • Shraddtha Strennan, Wimbledon Rd.
  • Phil Whatley, Rock Springs Rd.
  • Allison Zachs, Wimbledon Rd.

Special thanks to our volunteers who assist with our committees and events! 


Download the by-laws of PHCA, which were revised at the 2022 Annual Meeting in November. 


Membership & Communications

Co-Chairs: Kris Martins (Membership) and Jody Kirchner (Communications)

Membership is responsible for recruiting and retaining association members. As such, Membership organizes membership drives and plans activities sponsored by the association. In recent years, Membership has helped with or planned events at the park, neighborhood social events at local restaurants, cooking demonstrations and wine tastings, bowling parties, and the PHCA annual meeting. A committee member is also the coordinator for the Neighborhood Ambassador program that seeks volunteers to help get information out to the neighborhood. Membership is always looking for new committee members to keep up our creativity. Please contact Membership for more information. 

Communications is responsible for the association’s website, the PHCA Newsletter, and social media. Any PH neighbor with an interest in marketing, social media, writing newsletter articles, photography, editing/proofreading, or anything else related to these areas, please contact communications for more information. 

Parks and Open Spaces

Chair: Hanish Patel

The PHCA Parks and Open Spaces Committee oversees the maintenance, improvement and preservation of Association’s property (Gotham Way Park). It is also responsible for monitoring the City of Atlanta’s actions regarding City-owned parks, public open spaces, public rights-of-way and environmental issues in the neighborhood and reporting to the proper authorities any lack of maintenance, service, safety or other neighborhood concerns related thereto. For more information on Gotham Way Park, click here. Please contact Parks and Open Spaces with any questions.


Co-ChairsShawn Brown and Cole Patton

The PHCA Planning Committee maintains maps of the neighborhood defining its boundaries, land parcels, land uses, zoning, public infrastructure, and related information. It applies the principles of the Greater Piedmont Heights Master Framework Plan to new developments, infrastructure changes and actions by governmental authorities or others which impact the quality of life in the neighborhood. This committee also monitors matters regarding neighborhood streets, sidewalks, bicycle paths, mass transit, intersections, and parking, and reports to the proper authorities related issues that create hazards, violate public ordinances, or otherwise interfere with vehicular or pedestrian use. 

Public Safety/Security Patrol

Chair: Susan Kanellos

The features of the Piedmont Heights Security Patrol are described here. The Security Patrol Committee distributes signs to residents' yards when they join the patrol and keeps the distribution of the signs up to date; it sends periodic emails with safety tips and crime reports for the area. The committee also promotes the values of the security patrol for the whole neighborhood and keeps close contact with our security officer. If you would like to help in this important work to enhance the safety of our neighborhood, contact our Security Patrol Chair. 

Zoning and NPU

Chair: Tim Berube

Learn more about our Zoning processes. Besides attending city meetings to represent the neighborhood when zoning issues arise, the zoning committee is available to talk with neighbors when they are thinking about a renovation to help them avoid any problems with the City. The committee also stays abreast of commercial zoning issues that might affect Piedmont Heights, either positively or negatively. Our Neighborhood Planning Unit (NPU) representative attends all monthly NPU meetings on the third Monday of the month (7 p.m. online; formerly at Hillside meeting room, 1301 Monroe Drive) and other City meetings as needed. Anyone who would like to learn more about how their City works would be at home on the Zoning/NPU Committee. Contact our Zoning chair.

PiHi Alliance Liaison

Chair: OPEN

Learn more about PiHIi Alliance, our sister organization that supports our local business community!

Major Neighborhood Projects

Upcoming events

PiHi News

Contact Us

Piedmont Heights Civic Association
1579 Monroe Dr. NE, Ste. F307
Atlanta, GA 30324