Congressional Redistricting—Keep PiHi Unified

04 Nov 2021 3:05 PM | Anonymous

New congressional districting maps for Georgia are being considered, some of which split the Piedmont Heights neighborhood into two political districts. Having multiple political districts covering one small neighborhood would cause confusion as well as a dearth of inefficiencies.

Having one district for the entire neighborhood would maintain much-needed clarity and efficiency for the many residents who call Piedmont Heights home.

We realize Piedmont Heights is a small neighborhood. And yet, Piedmont Heights is one of Atlanta’s oldest neighborhoods, being settled in 1822 – even before Atlanta’s predecessor Terminus in 1837. We wish to remain unified – as a community and via our political districting. Vote to keep the Piedmont Heights neighborhood unified in our political representation. One community, one district!

The Piedmont Heights Civic Association Board of Directors asks you, our neighbors and friends, to join us in urging those involved in the redistricting process to keep the Piedmont Heights neighborhood unified under one political district.

Step 1: Sign Our Petition

Step 2: Submit Your Comments Directly to the Legislators

In addition, the Piedmont Heights Civic Association Board of Directors sent this letter to Representative Mainor on Tuesday, November 2, urging our legislators to keep our community unified under a single district. 

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Piedmont Heights Civic Association
1579 Monroe Dr. NE, Ste. F307
Atlanta, GA 30324